I-Eco Forest Bamboo Deck Tiles Inkangeleko entle yeParadise yangaphandle

Inkcazo emfutshane:

Iinkcukacha Product

Iimpawu zemveliso

Inkcazo yeMveliso eneenkcukacha

Ubukhulu: 18mm Unyango ngaphezulu: Amalahle
Izibuko: Xiamen Igama: Iithayile ze-Bamboo Deck
Ukukhanya okuphezulu:

iplanga leplanga elinamathelayo kunye neethayile zepatio


Umgangatho wamachibi enkuni

I-Bamboo yangaphandle yedesika yeParquet Price

Ingcaciso yeMveliso

Umba Iinkcukacha
Izinto eziphathekayo I-100% yoQalo lweNdalo
Ukuxinana 1220kg / m³
Ukukhutshwa kweFormaldehyde E0
Ububanzi boLwandiso

Yokufunxa Amanzi

Ireyithi yokwanda kobukhulu

Yokufunxa Amanzi

Isiqinisekiso Iminyaka emi-5

Eco Forest Bamboo Deck Tiles Beautiful Appearance For Outdoor Parquet 0Eco Forest Bamboo Deck Tiles Beautiful Appearance For Outdoor Parquet 1Eco Forest Bamboo Deck Tiles Beautiful Appearance For Outdoor Parquet 2Kutheni ukhetha i-Bamboo Flooring?

1,Amandla amangalisayo okugoba,ubunzima obulungileyo, Ukugoba amandla alingana namaxesha angama-8-10 amandla ebhodi yeenkuni, amaxesha ama-4-5 amandla eplywood, ungalinciphisa inani lenkxaso yeetemplate.

2, yakha umphezulu wetemplate wokuthelekisa kunyeeshinyeneyo, egudileyo,indawo elula yekhonkrithi, kulula ukuyidiliza.

I-3, i-bamboo plywood enokuxhathisa kwamanzi .Notackless of thebamboo plywoodboiled with 3 hours

4,Ukubola kwe-bamboo, anti-moth.

5, bamboo thermal conductivity 0.14-0.14w / mk, ngaphantsi kakhulu kunokuba conductivity thermal of formwork sentsimbikuluncedo ekwakhiweni kobusika.

6,Uninzi lweendleko ezifanelekileyo,icala kabini iyafumaneka malunga nezihlandlo ezilishumi zokubuya.Eco Forest Bamboo Deck Tiles Beautiful Appearance For Outdoor Parquet 3

Eco Forest Bamboo Deck Tiles Beautiful Appearance For Outdoor Parquet 4

Eco Forest Bamboo Deck Tiles Beautiful Appearance For Outdoor Parquet 5

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Eco Forest Bamboo Deck Tiles Beautiful Appearance For Outdoor Parquet 6

Iimveliso ezihambelanayo

Eco Forest Bamboo Deck Tiles Beautiful Appearance For Outdoor Parquet 7

Ukusetyenziswa kweMveliso

Eco Forest Bamboo Deck Tiles Beautiful Appearance For Outdoor Parquet 8

Imveliso yokuhamba

Eco Forest Bamboo Deck Tiles Beautiful Appearance For Outdoor Parquet 9

Ulwazi lweNkampani

Eco Forest Bamboo Deck Tiles Beautiful Appearance For Outdoor Parquet 10


Eco Forest Bamboo Deck Tiles Beautiful Appearance For Outdoor Parquet 11Eco Forest Bamboo Deck Tiles Beautiful Appearance For Outdoor Parquet 12



iinkuni poly ezinxityelelanisiweyo sinendawo & iipatio iithayile,

Iithayile zomgangatho wokhuni,

Umgangatho wamachibi enkuni

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